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So given the fact that it is Halloween, I wanted to do something a little bit different then what most people would have probably done. When we think of horror certain things come to mind such as: Zombies, Vampires, Ghouls, Demons, Blood etc, typically what we see in most scary movies. Now don't get me wrong, not that I have anything against it because, I too have a dark side. However, I would rather open your minds to give you more of a mental and psychological aspect on where the real horror actually takes place...

Society overlooks the addiction we have with the media. We are all glued to our phones, whether its texting or on social media apps such as INSTAGRAM, FACEBOOK, SNAPCHAT etc. Not noticing the influential control that it has on us and our future generations. The things we see and hear on the internet affect our way of living and alter the way we think; by giving us high expectations and feeding us false illusions of who we are supposed to be. We are constantly seeking society's approval, making it impossible to be content with ourselves. In this generation it is no longer HARD WORK PAYS OFF or BE YOURSELF, nowadays we are teaching our youth that POPULARITY and obtaining MEDIA CREDIBILITY is the only way to get ahead.

Media... it all leads to the media. That is where the real horror strikes and we don't even notice, we only see what they want us to see...

P.S... First, I would like to thank Mama and Grandpa Daze for participating and being a part of this piece, Crystal Montes for helping with the makeup, and most importantly I want to take this time to thank Jolver Cutino and Lianni aka Miss Blondy for helping me create this visual message. I couldn't have done this without them.

Thank you,


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